La Rochelle Vitamin B5 Mask 6 pcs 歌麗姬寶 全效維他命B5面膜 6片裝是一款來自瑞士的護膚產品面膜,能夠有效地保濕,修復,舒緩和鎮靜肌膚³。它含有豐富的維他命B5,能夠促進細胞再生,增強皮膚彈性,減少細紋和皺紋⁴。它適合所有膚質,尤其是乾燥,敏感和受損的膚質⁵。
La Rochelle Vitamin B5 Mask 6 pcs is a high-quality mask, it is a Switzerland Brand's mask, that can effectively moisturize, repair, soothe and calm the skin. It contains rich vitamin B5, which can promote cell regeneration, enhance skin elasticity, and reduce fine lines and wrinkles⁴. It suits all skin types, dehydrated, sensitive and damaged skin.
1. 洗淨臉部,並用化妝水調理肌膚。
2. 從包裝中取出面膜,展開並敷在臉上,避開眼睛和嘴巴。
3. 輕輕按壓面膜,使其與肌膚完全貼合。
4. 等待15至20分鐘,然後取下面膜,輕拍臉部,幫助吸收剩餘的精華液。
5. 一周使用1至2次,根據個人需要調整使用頻率。
How to use:
1. Cleanse your face and tone your skin with a toner.
2. Take out the mask from the package, unfold and apply it on your face, avoiding the eyes and mouth.
3. Press the mask to fully adhere to the skin.
4. Wait for 15 to 20 minutes, then remove the mask, and pat your face gently to help absorb the remaining essence.
5. Use 1 to 2 times a week, adjust the frequency according to your personal needs.
La Rochelle Vitamin B5 Mask 6 pcs is a high-quality mask, it is a Switzerland Brand's mask, that can effectively moisturize, repair, soothe and calm the skin. It contains rich vitamin B5, which can promote cell regeneration, enhance skin elasticity, and reduce fine lines and wrinkles⁴. It suits all skin types, dehydrated, sensitive and damaged skin.
1. 洗淨臉部,並用化妝水調理肌膚。
2. 從包裝中取出面膜,展開並敷在臉上,避開眼睛和嘴巴。
3. 輕輕按壓面膜,使其與肌膚完全貼合。
4. 等待15至20分鐘,然後取下面膜,輕拍臉部,幫助吸收剩餘的精華液。
5. 一周使用1至2次,根據個人需要調整使用頻率。
How to use:
1. Cleanse your face and tone your skin with a toner.
2. Take out the mask from the package, unfold and apply it on your face, avoiding the eyes and mouth.
3. Press the mask to fully adhere to the skin.
4. Wait for 15 to 20 minutes, then remove the mask, and pat your face gently to help absorb the remaining essence.
5. Use 1 to 2 times a week, adjust the frequency according to your personal needs.