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HERLA GOLD SUPREME 24k Super Lift Anti-wrinkle Global Cream  24K 黃金微粒的強效提拉抗皺霜 - 50ml
HERLA GOLD SUPREME 24k Super Lift Anti-wrinkle Global Cream  24K 黃金微粒的強效提拉抗皺霜 - 50ml
HERLA GOLD SUPREME 24k Super Lift Anti-wrinkle Global Cream  24K 黃金微粒的強效提拉抗皺霜 - 50ml
HERLA GOLD SUPREME 24k Super Lift Anti-wrinkle Global Cream  24K 黃金微粒的強效提拉抗皺霜 - 50ml

HERLA GOLD SUPREME 24k Super Lift Anti-wrinkle Global Cream 24K 黃金微粒的強效提拉抗皺霜 - 50ml


HERLA GOLD SUPREME 富含 24 K黃金微粒的強效提拉抗皺霜


延緩使皮膚細胞恢復活力的成纖維細胞再生細胞的退化長達 10 年。


SYN * -AKE 神經肽模擬太陽穴蛇毒液中發現的毒素 (Waglerin-1) 的活性,可撫平皮膚,從而防止皺紋的形成。這種形式輔以馬魯拉油和 100% 天然歐米茄印加黃油,也稱為印加金。Global Cream 是美容醫學侵入性手術的安全有效替代品。活性成分 Vitasource * 可有效使皮膚細胞恢復活力長達 10 年。
增強緊緻度和彈性。神經肽可防止神經肌肉收縮期間皺紋的形成。Global Cream 刺激膠原蛋白的合成。Gold Supreme系列適合老化肌膚。在此處閱讀有關皮膚起源的更多信息


HERLA The Gold Supreme series is a highly effective, luxurious lifting collection. The breakthrough products of the golden series contain leading active ingredients. 24k gold micro-particles even out the skin tone, restore its radiance and youthful appearance. The active particle of Vitasource ™ increases the skin's micro-relief and effectively restores the activity of fibroblasts typical of cells 10 years younger. The richness of the neuropeptide prevents the formation of wrinkles and smoothes the existing ones. The 5 plant complex - Anti-wrinkle Herbal Complex - has anti-aging, antioxidant and moisturizing properties. It is a comprehensive treatment and an excellent alternative to invasive aesthetic medicine treatments.